@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+package cn.org.bjca.trust.java.imserver.common;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import javax.crypto.Mac;
+import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
+import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.zip.Deflater;
+public class TLSSigAPIv2 {
+ final private long sdkappid;
+ final private String key;
+ public TLSSigAPIv2(long sdkappid, String key) {
+ this.sdkappid = sdkappid;
+ this.key = key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 【功能说明】用于签发 TRTC 和 IM 服务中必须要使用的 UserSig 鉴权票据
+ * <p>
+ * 【参数说明】
+ *
+ * @param userid - 用户id,限制长度为32字节,只允许包含大小写英文字母(a-zA-Z)、数字(0-9)及下划线和连词符。
+ * @param expire - UserSig 票据的过期时间,单位是秒,比如 86400 代表生成的 UserSig 票据在一天后就无法再使用了。
+ * @return usersig -生成的签名
+ */
+ /**
+ * Function: Used to issue UserSig that is required by the TRTC and IM services.
+ * <p>
+ * Parameter description:
+ *
+ * @param userid - User ID. The value can be up to 32 bytes in length and contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
+ * @param expire - UserSig expiration time, in seconds. For example, 86400 indicates that the generated UserSig will expire one day after being generated.
+ * @return usersig - Generated signature.
+ */
+ public String genUserSig(String userid, long expire) throws JSONException {
+ return genUserSig(userid, expire, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 【功能说明】
+ * 用于签发 TRTC 进房参数中可选的 PrivateMapKey 权限票据。
+ * PrivateMapKey 需要跟 UserSig 一起使用,但 PrivateMapKey 比 UserSig 有更强的权限控制能力:
+ * - UserSig 只能控制某个 UserID 有无使用 TRTC 服务的权限,只要 UserSig 正确,其对应的 UserID 可以进出任意房间。
+ * - PrivateMapKey 则是将 UserID 的权限控制的更加严格,包括能不能进入某个房间,能不能在该房间里上行音视频等等。
+ * 如果要开启 PrivateMapKey 严格权限位校验,需要在【实时音视频控制台】/【应用管理】/【应用信息】中打开“启动权限密钥”开关。
+ * <p>
+ * 【参数说明】
+ *
+ * @param userid - 用户id,限制长度为32字节,只允许包含大小写英文字母(a-zA-Z)、数字(0-9)及下划线和连词符。
+ * @param expire - PrivateMapKey 票据的过期时间,单位是秒,比如 86400 生成的 PrivateMapKey 票据在一天后就无法再使用了。
+ * @param roomid - 房间号,用于指定该 userid 可以进入的房间号
+ * @param privilegeMap - 权限位,使用了一个字节中的 8 个比特位,分别代表八个具体的功能权限开关:
+ * - 第 1 位:0000 0001 = 1,创建房间的权限
+ * - 第 2 位:0000 0010 = 2,加入房间的权限
+ * - 第 3 位:0000 0100 = 4,发送语音的权限
+ * - 第 4 位:0000 1000 = 8,接收语音的权限
+ * - 第 5 位:0001 0000 = 16,发送视频的权限
+ * - 第 6 位:0010 0000 = 32,接收视频的权限
+ * - 第 7 位:0100 0000 = 64,发送辅路(也就是屏幕分享)视频的权限
+ * - 第 8 位:1000 0000 = 200,接收辅路(也就是屏幕分享)视频的权限
+ * - privilegeMap == 1111 1111 == 255 代表该 userid 在该 roomid 房间内的所有功能权限。
+ * - privilegeMap == 0010 1010 == 42 代表该 userid 拥有加入房间和接收音视频数据的权限,但不具备其他权限。
+ * @return usersig - 生成带userbuf的签名
+ */
+ /**
+ * Function:
+ * Used to issue PrivateMapKey that is optional for room entry.
+ * PrivateMapKey must be used together with UserSig but with more powerful permission control capabilities.
+ * - UserSig can only control whether a UserID has permission to use the TRTC service. As long as the UserSig is correct, the user with the corresponding UserID can enter or leave any room.
+ * - PrivateMapKey specifies more stringent permissions for a UserID, including whether the UserID can be used to enter a specific room and perform audio/video upstreaming in the room.
+ * To enable stringent PrivateMapKey permission bit verification, you need to enable permission key in TRTC console > Application Management > Application Info.
+ * <p>
+ * Parameter description:
+ *
+ * @param userid - User ID. The value can be up to 32 bytes in length and contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
+ * @param roomid - ID of the room to which the specified UserID can enter.
+ * @param expire - PrivateMapKey expiration time, in seconds. For example, 86400 indicates that the generated PrivateMapKey will expire one day after being generated.
+ * @param privilegeMap - Permission bits. Eight bits in the same byte are used as the permission switches of eight specific features:
+ * - Bit 1: 0000 0001 = 1, permission for room creation
+ * - Bit 2: 0000 0010 = 2, permission for room entry
+ * - Bit 3: 0000 0100 = 4, permission for audio sending
+ * - Bit 4: 0000 1000 = 8, permission for audio receiving
+ * - Bit 5: 0001 0000 = 16, permission for video sending
+ * - Bit 6: 0010 0000 = 32, permission for video receiving
+ * - Bit 7: 0100 0000 = 64, permission for substream video sending (screen sharing)
+ * - Bit 8: 1000 0000 = 200, permission for substream video receiving (screen sharing)
+ * - privilegeMap == 1111 1111 == 255: Indicates that the UserID has all feature permissions of the room specified by roomid.
+ * - privilegeMap == 0010 1010 == 42: Indicates that the UserID has only the permissions to enter the room and receive audio/video data.
+ * @return usersig - Generate signature with userbuf
+ */
+ public String genPrivateMapKey(String userid, long expire, long roomid, long privilegeMap) throws JSONException {
+ byte[] userbuf = genUserBuf(userid, roomid, expire, privilegeMap, 0, ""); //生成userbuf
+ return genUserSig(userid, expire, userbuf);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 【功能说明】
+ * 用于签发 TRTC 进房参数中可选的 PrivateMapKey 权限票据。
+ * PrivateMapKey 需要跟 UserSig 一起使用,但 PrivateMapKey 比 UserSig 有更强的权限控制能力:
+ * - UserSig 只能控制某个 UserID 有无使用 TRTC 服务的权限,只要 UserSig 正确,其对应的 UserID 可以进出任意房间。
+ * - PrivateMapKey 则是将 UserID 的权限控制的更加严格,包括能不能进入某个房间,能不能在该房间里上行音视频等等。
+ * 如果要开启 PrivateMapKey 严格权限位校验,需要在【实时音视频控制台】/【应用管理】/【应用信息】中打开“启动权限密钥”开关。
+ * <p>
+ * 【参数说明】
+ *
+ * @param userid - 用户id,限制长度为32字节,只允许包含大小写英文字母(a-zA-Z)、数字(0-9)及下划线和连词符。
+ * @param expire - PrivateMapKey 票据的过期时间,单位是秒,比如 86400 生成的 PrivateMapKey 票据在一天后就无法再使用了。
+ * @param roomstr - 字符串房间号,用于指定该 userid 可以进入的房间号
+ * @param privilegeMap - 权限位,使用了一个字节中的 8 个比特位,分别代表八个具体的功能权限开关:
+ * - 第 1 位:0000 0001 = 1,创建房间的权限
+ * - 第 2 位:0000 0010 = 2,加入房间的权限
+ * - 第 3 位:0000 0100 = 4,发送语音的权限
+ * - 第 4 位:0000 1000 = 8,接收语音的权限
+ * - 第 5 位:0001 0000 = 16,发送视频的权限
+ * - 第 6 位:0010 0000 = 32,接收视频的权限
+ * - 第 7 位:0100 0000 = 64,发送辅路(也就是屏幕分享)视频的权限
+ * - 第 8 位:1000 0000 = 200,接收辅路(也就是屏幕分享)视频的权限
+ * - privilegeMap == 1111 1111 == 255 代表该 userid 在该 roomid 房间内的所有功能权限。
+ * - privilegeMap == 0010 1010 == 42 代表该 userid 拥有加入房间和接收音视频数据的权限,但不具备其他权限。
+ * @return usersig - 生成带userbuf的签名
+ */
+ /**
+ * Function:
+ * Used to issue PrivateMapKey that is optional for room entry.
+ * PrivateMapKey must be used together with UserSig but with more powerful permission control capabilities.
+ * - UserSig can only control whether a UserID has permission to use the TRTC service. As long as the UserSig is correct, the user with the corresponding UserID can enter or leave any room.
+ * - PrivateMapKey specifies more stringent permissions for a UserID, including whether the UserID can be used to enter a specific room and perform audio/video upstreaming in the room.
+ * To enable stringent PrivateMapKey permission bit verification, you need to enable permission key in TRTC console > Application Management > Application Info.
+ * <p>
+ * Parameter description:
+ *
+ * @param userid - User ID. The value can be up to 32 bytes in length and contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
+ * @param roomstr - ID of the room to which the specified UserID can enter.
+ * @param expire - PrivateMapKey expiration time, in seconds. For example, 86400 indicates that the generated PrivateMapKey will expire one day after being generated.
+ * @param privilegeMap - Permission bits. Eight bits in the same byte are used as the permission switches of eight specific features:
+ * - Bit 1: 0000 0001 = 1, permission for room creation
+ * - Bit 2: 0000 0010 = 2, permission for room entry
+ * - Bit 3: 0000 0100 = 4, permission for audio sending
+ * - Bit 4: 0000 1000 = 8, permission for audio receiving
+ * - Bit 5: 0001 0000 = 16, permission for video sending
+ * - Bit 6: 0010 0000 = 32, permission for video receiving
+ * - Bit 7: 0100 0000 = 64, permission for substream video sending (screen sharing)
+ * - Bit 8: 1000 0000 = 200, permission for substream video receiving (screen sharing)
+ * - privilegeMap == 1111 1111 == 255: Indicates that the UserID has all feature permissions of the room specified by roomid.
+ * - privilegeMap == 0010 1010 == 42: Indicates that the UserID has only the permissions to enter the room and receive audio/video data.
+ * @return usersig - Generate signature with userbuf
+ */
+ public String genPrivateMapKeyWithStringRoomID(String userid, long expire, String roomstr, long privilegeMap) throws JSONException {
+ byte[] userbuf = genUserBuf(userid, 0, expire, privilegeMap, 0, roomstr); //生成userbuf
+ return genUserSig(userid, expire, userbuf);
+ }
+ private String hmacsha256(String identifier, long currTime, long expire, String base64Userbuf) {
+ String contentToBeSigned = "TLS.identifier:" + identifier + "\n"
+ + "TLS.sdkappid:" + sdkappid + "\n"
+ + "TLS.time:" + currTime + "\n"
+ + "TLS.expire:" + expire + "\n";
+ if (null != base64Userbuf) {
+ contentToBeSigned += "TLS.userbuf:" + base64Userbuf + "\n";
+ }
+ try {
+ byte[] byteKey = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
+ SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(byteKey, "HmacSHA256");
+ hmac.init(keySpec);
+ byte[] byteSig = hmac.doFinal(contentToBeSigned.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ return (Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(byteSig)).replaceAll("\\s*", "");
+ } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ private String genUserSig(String userid, long expire, byte[] userbuf) throws JSONException {
+ long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
+ JSONObject sigDoc = new JSONObject();
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.ver", "2.0");
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.identifier", userid);
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.sdkappid", sdkappid);
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.expire", expire);
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.time", currTime);
+ String base64UserBuf = null;
+ if (null != userbuf) {
+ base64UserBuf = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(userbuf).replaceAll("\\s*", "");
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.userbuf", base64UserBuf);
+ }
+ String sig = hmacsha256(userid, currTime, expire, base64UserBuf);
+ if (sig.length() == 0) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ sigDoc.put("TLS.sig", sig);
+ Deflater compressor = new Deflater();
+ compressor.setInput(sigDoc.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ compressor.finish();
+ byte[] compressedBytes = new byte[2048];
+ int compressedBytesLength = compressor.deflate(compressedBytes);
+ compressor.end();
+ return (new String(Base64URL.base64EncodeUrl(Arrays.copyOfRange(compressedBytes,
+ 0, compressedBytesLength)))).replaceAll("\\s*", "");
+ }
+ public byte[] genUserBuf(String account, long dwAuthID, long dwExpTime,
+ long dwPrivilegeMap, long dwAccountType, String RoomStr) {
+ //视频校验位需要用到的字段,按照网络字节序放入buf中
+ /*
+ cVer unsigned char/1 版本号,填0
+ wAccountLen unsigned short /2 第三方自己的帐号长度
+ account wAccountLen 第三方自己的帐号字符
+ dwSdkAppid unsigned int/4 sdkappid
+ dwAuthID unsigned int/4 群组号码
+ dwExpTime unsigned int/4 过期时间 ,直接使用填入的值
+ dwPrivilegeMap unsigned int/4 权限位,主播0xff,观众0xab
+ dwAccountType unsigned int/4 第三方帐号类型
+ */
+ //The fields required for the video check digit are placed in buf according to the network byte order.
+ /*
+ cVer unsigned char/1 Version number, fill in 0
+ wAccountLen unsigned short /2 Third party's own account length
+ account wAccountLen Third party's own account characters
+ dwSdkAppid unsigned int/4 sdkappid
+ dwAuthID unsigned int/4 group number
+ dwExpTime unsigned int/4 Expiration time , use the filled value directly
+ dwPrivilegeMap unsigned int/4 Permission bits, host 0xff, audience 0xab
+ dwAccountType unsigned int/4 Third-party account type
+ */
+ int accountLength = account.length();
+ int roomStrLength = RoomStr.length();
+ int offset = 0;
+ int bufLength = 1 + 2 + accountLength + 20;
+ if (roomStrLength > 0) {
+ bufLength = bufLength + 2 + roomStrLength;
+ }
+ byte[] userbuf = new byte[bufLength];
+ //cVer
+ if (roomStrLength > 0) {
+ userbuf[offset++] = 1;
+ } else {
+ userbuf[offset++] = 0;
+ }
+ //wAccountLen
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((accountLength & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (accountLength & 0x00FF);
+ //account
+ for (; offset < 3 + accountLength; ++offset) {
+ userbuf[offset] = (byte) account.charAt(offset - 3);
+ }
+ //dwSdkAppid
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((sdkappid & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((sdkappid & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((sdkappid & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (sdkappid & 0x000000FF);
+ //dwAuthId,房间号
+ //dwAuthId, room number
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAuthID & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAuthID & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAuthID & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (dwAuthID & 0x000000FF);
+ //expire,过期时间,当前时间 + 有效期(单位:秒)
+ //expire,Expiration time, current time + validity period (unit: seconds)
+ long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
+ long expire = currTime + dwExpTime;
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((expire & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((expire & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((expire & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (expire & 0x000000FF);
+ //dwPrivilegeMap,权限位
+ //dwPrivilegeMap,Permission bits
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwPrivilegeMap & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwPrivilegeMap & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwPrivilegeMap & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (dwPrivilegeMap & 0x000000FF);
+ //dwAccountType,账户类型
+ //dwAccountType,account type
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAccountType & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAccountType & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((dwAccountType & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (dwAccountType & 0x000000FF);
+ if (roomStrLength > 0) {
+ //roomStrLen
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) ((roomStrLength & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ userbuf[offset++] = (byte) (roomStrLength & 0x00FF);
+ //roomStr
+ for (; offset < bufLength; ++offset) {
+ userbuf[offset] = (byte) RoomStr.charAt(offset - (bufLength - roomStrLength));
+ }
+ }
+ return userbuf;
+ }